a long tomato and pepper weekend

Oh, look, I'm back. It turned out to not be so bad for us after all. One uprooted bush, I think. And nerves. Lots of jangly nerves all day Monday and partly into Tuesday. I didn't even let the water out of the tub until Tuesday night.

But the threat of bad weather means it's a good time to make soup, so I tried this minestrone. It's not your typical minestrone, which is precisely why it appealed with me, with the chickpeas and spinach and rigatoni. Plus it was really easy. You don't really have to slave over it; let the pot do the work.

Last weekend I also tried this recipe: orzo veggies. Now I don't need any more peppers anytime soon. Seriously, though, this was also good. I'd never heard of toasting orzo before--unless I did it in a soup once, I can't remember--and I'm already on record as loving roasted vegetables. Yes, cutting up all those vegetables can get tiring and/or boring, so I did some of it the night before. It's worth the work, though, when everybody loves it (even the reheated leftovers!).


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