notes on another butter

My sister came home (again) with a new pumpkin butter to try, this one by Meridian Marketplace (there was no actual website but I did find it in a fundraising catalog). It's on the darker side of the color range, like Dickinson's, but with its own distinct flavor--a bit heavy on the cloves. It tastes like what I expect Celestial Seasonings' new Harvest Pumpkin tea to taste like: slightly overseasoned, to get that recognizable flavor. It's not my favorite but I like it and I would totally try their strawberry-rhubarb preserves, too.

In other news, in case you missed it: there's been a recall of Nesquik chocolate powder. Man, that takes me back. Not to product recalls or Salmonella outbreaks, but to my milk-drinking days. My favorite at-home lunch as a kid was a tall glass of chocolate or strawberry (preferably strawberry) Quik with a PB&J sandwich and two homemade peanut butter cookies. They just aren't peanut butter cookies if you don't do the cross-hatching with a fork.

Now I really want some cookies. If my sister remembers to bring home her fundraiser cookie dough next time, I'll be sure to review it.


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