it's time for muffins

I felt like making some, at any rate. Of all the things to make from scratch, muffins might actually be the easiest. I would advise trying out muffins before tackling a cake recipe, anyway. So I've had this Basic Breakfast Muffins recipe stashed away for a few months and I finally had a good Sunday to make some. I decided to go with the apple pie variation because I love the idea of combining two different foods (like the new French Toast-flavored Goldfish Grahams--say whaat?) and I also didn't want to make blueberry muffins without my brother around (that's his favorite).

Actually, I want to try all of the variations; they all sound tasty. But here's my notes on the Apple Pie muffins: 1. don't be afraid of what looks like a lot of spices; they're needed for flavor and will distribute themselves throughout the batter; 2. they didn't taste as like apple pie as much as they smelled like apple pie. Seriously, the whole house smelled like apple pie for while; 3. I'm not sure how small chopped apple should look; all I know is my chunks were a little bit too big. This didn't affect the overall eating experience but I still want to remember that for the next time.


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