pie, jr.

This Easy Apple Pie Foldover was the first "pie" I ever made, about four or five years ago. I know a lot more now about apples and spices and thickeners but I felt like trying this again, so I did this past weekend.

A word of advice: fold it horizontally (the width of the cookie sheet) so it won't be practically hanging over the edges. Heh. And some of the liquid still managed to escape before I could crimp it but I still think it was an improvement over the last time.

And now...what did I do with the leftover pumpkin from my waffles? I made a pumpkin bread, of course, and gave half away. I wasn't in the mood for chocolate chips, so I went with the cranberry alternative instead. The pumpkin pie spice in the batter actually reminded us of the waffles a bit. But not quite the same. I also didn't glaze it because I didn't want to freeze it that way and then I didn't get around to glazing it after I thawed it. Oh, well. It's still good.


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