the salmon chronicles

I thought for sure I'd already shared this recipe but I couldn't find it. So excuse me if you've heard this one before: Smoked Paprika Roasted Salmon with Wilted Spinach. This is one of my very first collected recipes from back in '07. Now I can't remember why I finally decided to start saving recipes--that wasn't a great year for me; I guess I needed something--but I didn't try to tackle fresh salmon for at least two or three years after that. I have a thing about handling raw meats; thankfully, I figured out how to get by with latex (or whatever material they're made out of) gloves.

Anyway, back to the salmon. I'd never had smoked paprika before, either. It basically tastes like the name implies: smokier than regular paprika. The sweetness from the brown sugar and cinnamon should help curb your fears if you're still not sure. And a note about the spinach: we used a bag of baby spinach to feed three; it was just enough. If you want more, by all means use a regular bag.

Next entry: something breakfast-y.


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