seasonal dinner

Yeah, I cut recipes out of the paper, but my local paper doesn't post them online so I have to link to them where I can. Spring Gnocchi with Asparagus and Shrimp. Had this for dinner last night as a break from red-sauced pasta. This was the first time I'd had gnocchi in something other than soup, and I may have overcooked it a teensy bit but it was still good.

I was worried about a lack of flavor since it really isn't saucy but my worries were unfounded--mostly because I used a little too much pepper. I never think to mention these things in order: I cut the recipe in half because I didn't need to feed six people. Even halved it could've fed four. Both gnocchi and shrimp can be really filling.

So I forgot to halve the pepper, dumped it all in there, and then scooped some back out. But it recovered nicely. If you're looking for a simple spring dish with a nice, bright flavor, give this one a try.


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