some more raisin bread...

I've reviewed raisin breads here, over this way, and here, too, so I thought I'd include links to those before mentioning the latest raisin bread, Martin's Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Potato Bread. Now if you've never had regular potato bread, it's yellow, thick-sliced, and has kind of a sweet aftertaste. So why not shrink it down and add raisins? Works for me. With the additional sweetness of raisins and the cinnamon swirl, this one would even make a great French toast--if you don't mind raisins with that.

Also, in addition to the two cereals I have yet to try from my January list, there's two more new products I have to look out for now: Great Grains Protein -- Honey, Oats, & Seeds (I've never had any Great Grains cereal before but I was intrigued by this one--but not the hazelnut cinnamon; I'm not a fan of hazelnuts) and something new from Kellogg's called Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory -- chocolatey almond. I'm a sucker for limited edition cereals. Next time I'm at Target...


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