when life hands you zucchini...

Do I really need to finish the sentence? This isn't my usual zucchini bread; I thought I'd try something different for a change. Actually, I could've sworn I my made other one last year but a search yielded nothing. I guess I'll have to make it later this year to compare.

But back to this one: one medium-ish zucchini equaled roughly 1 3/4 c. shredded. It's so hard to judge zucchini size though; some of them are longer and thinner, while others are what I'd consider "regular" size--the same as a yellow squash. And I wasn't totally sure about the directions--I chose to add the dry ingredients and beat in increments (out of fear of overmixing the batter). It did sink slightly in the middle and had a few sticky patches but it was thoroughly baked inside. And tasty. I had to freeze half of it due to the size.

I have to say, though, I was expecting it to be a little bit "breadier." I wasn't disappointed but I wouldn't toast it like the recipe suggests. I think it would crumble too much in my toaster.


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