review: Berry Blossoms

Ugh, this morning. I don't want to get into details, but let's just say it involved multiple spiders. So after adding that to my pre-breakfast chore list I thought, screw it, I'm opening the Berry Blossoms.

I've been looking for them for months and found them by chance last weekend. I was supposed to be buying Fiber One frosted shredded wheat (this was the last place in town still selling it) but alas, it looks like I'll be sending this one to the Cereal Graveyard. They must have had to make room for the Fiber One/Cheerios protein cereals. As I walked past the Kashi section I just happened to notice Berry Blossoms were on sale, so that was a no-brainer.

As for the cereal itself, it's the same grain mixture and shape as Honey Sunshine but with a vague berry flavor that you can't really pin down. It reminded me of a more subtle Berry Berry Kix. I think I may actually like it more than Honey Sunshine.


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