review: *new*(-ish) Special K chocolate almond

(Yes, I am just now getting around to opening the box. I've been away!)

First things first, it's always a good idea to look at the front of a box before deciding to try a cereal. I know this sounds obvious but I was really caught off guard. I thought this cereal was chocolatey almond, meaning chocolatey chunks mixed with almonds (not unlike Chocolatey Strawberry). But no, they meant chocolate, which in this case is cocoa-dusted multigrain flakes. I guess that counts. Also, that's not really my chocolate speed. Don't get me wrong, it tastes good, but I'm not always in the mood for that much chocolate flavor. It even turned my milk chocolate-flavored! It's like Cocoa Krispies for grown-ups (although I'm sure some would argue Cocoa Krispies already fits that bill. You know what I mean).

So I'll just keep mixing this little by little until I finish it. Hopefully with some Cheerios Protein soon.


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