apple-y birthday

Well, it's close enough, anyway, so I made my dad Apple Crisp Pancakes yesterday. One of these days I should ask him what he actually wants, but he's still getting his cake, so, whatever.

I don't usually make pancakes with Bisquick because some people in this family claimed not to like Bisquick pancakes (we've always been an Aunt Jemima family as far as I can remember). At least until last month when they changed their tune: "I'll eat Bisquick pancakes in a pinch." "I'll eat them in one of your recipes." And I'm on an apple kick this month anyway, so that fell into place.

First off, Bisquick pancakes are filling. Sooo filling. I made one of mine too big and couldn't finish it. As it was, we could've fed at least two more people. I'll have to remember to eat some of the leftovers. But back to the pancakes: even that quick bit of heat broke the apple chunks down enough to not flare up my allergies. And the streusel filling help give it an unusual crunch. Unusual in a good way. They didn't need any butter because of it, either. Apple Crisp truly is the best name/description for these pancakes.


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