two things

My sister keeps me up-to-date on all the latest English muffin news, informing me the other day that Thomas' has a pumpkin spice English muffin out now. I have yet to see it around here but I will be buying that one.

And now for the non-breakfast part of this entry. I'm still trying to finish this bag of bulgur and found this recipe for Bulgur-Mushroom Stovetop Pilaf in my very first binder from five years ago (when I was only collecting recipes, not making them). Every time I make something with bulgur my mother insists she doesn't like it, but she'll eat anything with feta on or in it. The mushrooms and peppers didn't hurt either.

This was also the first time I'd ever bought wild rice--which reminds me, I need to find more uses for it. The apple juice only works, I think, because of the sweet peppers; otherwise, everything about the flavor would be off. I also conveniently didn't mention the usage of apple juice in this dish and nobody else caught it. What's important is they ate it.

And now I'm finally caught up on my recipe backlog. I have two new breakfast products to be opened in the next two weeks and who knows, maybe I'll bake something.


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