cream cheese challenge

Well, no, not really. But I keep telling people I can eat cream cheese if it's baked, so I had to back that up eventually. I found this Cream Cheese-Filled Ginger-Cherry Pumpkin Bread last week and knew immediately that I had to make this for my visiting brother. I will say off the bat, based on my results, if you have (or can find) a 10-inch loaf pan you should probably use that. Mine got a little squished when I flipped it out of the (9-in.) pan--it might have needed to cook a little longer. I should really invest in some wooden skewers to use as testers.

A few adjustments I had to make: I omitted the fresh ginger because nobody else loves it like I do (and I think it would have taken this pumpkin bread over-the-top in a good way), and I don't like dried cherries so I substituted dried cranberries. This is a dense, literally heavy bread and really makes a better dessert than breakfast, but, you know, eat it as you will. Also, it took me an hour, what with the batter prep, cream cheese prep, layering, and streusel mixing, but I still think it was worth the effort.

I'll be Internet-less the rest of week but I should have a granola review when I return.


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