good idea/bad idea

Good idea: birthday cake!

Bad idea: overindulging in birthday cake (plus eating a cereal I shouldn't have been eating, among other factors).

It was simple, I thought: find a recipe for a small cake--so we could finish it well before Thanksgiving--preferably with no icing, and not too much effort. Well, this Banana Upside-Down Cake fit the bill. I love upside-down cakes. I've made pineapple (of-course), apple, pear...why not banana? And it's a very moist cake. Probably why I ate too much. It's just too tempting.

Two notes: mine stuck a little bit. I couldn't quite put it back together; luckily no one cares about style points at home. And while two large bananas were the right amount for my 8x8 pan, I had to cut around some bruises, which left empty spaces on the cake that should've had banana slices. But if you like big bites of caramel, it's not really a big deal.


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