review: *new*(-ish) Cheerios Protein -- Cinnamon Almond

I know, I know, it's been months but I'm just now getting to this one. I peeked in the bag before pouring--the cereal looked awfully familiar but I couldn't place it. It had that sweetened sheen and puffy texture that is not characteristic of most Cheerios. Next I tasted a cluster. It was surprisingly nutty. I know there's almonds involved but the flavor of the clusters makes it seem as if there's no oat component at all. Impressive. Then I tried the Os. That's where the cinnamon is. It really caught me by surprise. My mind must not have been on breakfast yesterday morning, because I knew what flavor this was. I purposely chose to open it the day after I bought it even though I could've waited. Overall, I need to try it again to get the overall effect. Separately, though, plenty of cinnamon and almond.

(Half an hour later it hit me: Fiber Plus Cinnamon Oat Crunch. That's what these Os remind me of, but with different grains.)


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