occasional granola review: Archer Farms Pumpkin Spice

I'm gonna guess that this is a seasonal flavor (*wink*), so you'd better get to Target while you can. This was a case of being in the right aisle at the time because I wasn't looking for this and also didn't know it existed. But, you know, it's pumpkin, so...

Pumpkin Spice, I mean. Emphasis on the spice. I could definitely discern several spices in there, and not really much pumpkin flavor even though dried pumpkin is in the ingredient list. Also, pumpkin seeds. Now there's an ingredient I've been meaning to try but kept chickening out on. They're actually not bad; they have a crunchy, nut-like texture. Nothing weird going on. Acceptable to my palate. I may have to buy some when I make my own pumpkin granola sometime next month.


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