return of the quiche

I made a quiche. It didn't dawn on me until after I'd finished dinner: hey, I made a quiche. I mean, it's basically just an egg pie, right? Still, first one.

I hadn't had quiche in three years-ish since I found out the hard way that I can't eat my mom's recipe anymore (the stomach experiments of the lactose intolerant--whee) so I'd been searching for a suitable substitute ever since. As with most new recipes, it took a good amount of time for everything to fall into place so I could make this Ham and Swiss Quiche. It's more eggy than milky, so that helped. I also picked this variation (there were several) because I'd never had ham or red pepper in a quiche before.

I don't think my onions were as caramelized as they should have been but they still had plenty of flavor. Of course my dad would rather have had more meat but that's not the point. I was most proud of my crust--it looked almost like the store-bought frozen kind. And I made this whole thing in one afternoon. I'm thinking of trying another flavor during the holidays.


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