(cinna-)many baking days ahead

But the first was actually the weekend after Thanksgiving. I had Greek yogurt leftover from the cheesecake bars and I wasn't about to waste it. Fage is good stuff. So I found this Cinnamon Swirl Yogurt Quick Bread. Problem solved!

Oh, I guess you'll want to know about the flavor. Do you like three layers of cinnamon? Do you like heating the leftovers in the microwave so the top gets all gooey and sticky? Do you like breakfast breads? Or eat them whenever, I don't judge.

One thing: err on the side of caution when baking. I should have taken mine out after forty minutes but I put it back in the oven for five more. So it was a bit dry. But that didn't stop anybody from eating it.

One other note: even though I've gotten behind on my entries again you should probably not expect too many more posts until after Christmas. I don't know how I get so busy every year.


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