spice. apple spice.

So my crazy busy Thanksgiving week kicked off that Sunday with a promise kept to my sister: more granola. Specifically, another SBA granola: Apple Spice Quinoa Granola. I was skeptical about the uncooked quinoa but since my sister raved about the Pumpkin Spice I knew I could give it all to her if need be.

Well, it needn't. Everyone sampled this granola during the week. It was a bit clove-heavy for me at first but mellowed out after a few days. Also, the apple flavor is not as strong as I thought it would be but it still permeates the granola. And the quinoa just adds a little crunch. You never can have too much crunch, especially when the recipe tells you up front that it's going to soften over time. I'm still eating it though. I just had some with cinnamon apple yogurt. Yes, double apples!

Christmas week will bring my first non-Sally's Baking Addiction granola. Unless she comes out with a gingerbread granola in the next two weeks.


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