a tiny bit of cheesecake goodness

(And speaking of cheese, I should note that we are now a mouse-free household again. I guess after almost two weeks it was finally hungry enough to take the bait. After dragging and twitching its way to my brother he put it out of its misery. The end. I hope.)

So I wanted to make one last new thing during my brother's visit. We all love cheesecake--even I can eat it in moderation. And he especially loves blueberries. So I made these Lemon Cheesecake Crescent Rolls and added fresh blueberries to one-third of them. Probably too many, though. You don't want to overstuff them or it'll be nearly impossible to roll them up. To the rest I added Smuckers Fruit & Honey. Have you ever tried this? I highly recommend the Tropical flavor. It even has chunks of fruit in it. (I also used Triple Berry in this recipe.)

This is a very forgiving recipe that you could experiment with any kind of fruit--or don't add anything; the lemon zest really comes through in the cream cheese mixture.

Hopefully next week we'll back to cereal reviews. Or the next week. Really!


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