occasional granola review: *new*(-ish) Cascadian Farm FarmStand Harvest -- cranberry, maple and wild rice

So while visiting my grandma a few weeks back I made sure to take a quick trip to Kroger, the exclusive seller of this Cranberry, Maple & Wild Rice flavor. Why the exclusivity? And why just Kroger? Who knows? The idea of wild rice in granola piqued my curiosity, however, so I was either going to pick some up while visiting my grandma or my brother, whichever came first. Also, $4.99? Seriously? Yeah, this is a one-time deal.

Now to the particulars: it has a pleasant maple flavor (not too sweet/syrupy), very small cranberries (but not those weird "bits" you get in cereal sometimes), and of course, wild rice. I still don't get how the dry wild rice is made edible--it just looks like uncooked rice mixed into granola--but it works. It adds a nice crunch but otherwise doesn't stand out and doesn't feel or taste weird in your mouth. I'd like to know how to add that to my own granola.


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