review: *limited edition* (Giant) Limoncello Oatmeal

When I first saw the displays of Limoncello products at my local Giant a few weeks back my first thought was, it's back again already? I couldn't remember any of the products (food or otherwise) striking my fancy last time so I didn't bother to look closely. But the next time I just happened to walk past a basket of Limoncello oatmeal cups. Limoncello oatmeal?, I thought. That sounds gross. I need to try it.

Lemon and oats just don't go together in my mind, but I'd already tried the cookies--which weren't bad--and I really wanted to review something this month. The oatmeal itself was just okay. There was no fill line (as per the instructions) so I had to measure the boiling water myself and 2/3 of a cup was really too much. So I had thin, watery oatmeal that tasted like a lemon Oreo, but less sweet. Like I said, just okay.


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