review: *new* Blueberry Tiny Toast

I'm not sure why I wanted to this; I guess I'm a sucker for berry-flavored products. And it has an adorable name. Tiny Toast! Which also never fails to remind me of Tiny Toons. Funnily enough, I forgot about the toast part of the name when I poured and saw all these little fat toasts in my bowl. It basically looks like a shrunken slice of Texas Toast, dotted with blueberry.

The flavor is almost too blueberry. Like they didn't want to err on the side of cautious flavoring. But it also reminds me of blueberry muffins. I'm sure someone will figure out how to work this into a muffin batter.

It also has that weird grittiness that comes with some part-corn cereals. Thanks to the intense blueberry-ness, it's not as noticeable. And another plus, the thick pieces of cereal hold up nicely in milk. So I suppose now I'll have to try the strawberry.


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