rich in cinnamon

Can you handle these cinnamon chips? I don't think you're ready for these cinnamon chips.
You know I love cinnamon. I also enjoy baking cookies. So when I found these Soft and Chewy Cinnamon Chip Snickerdoodles I thought, yesssssss. Snickerdoodles are definitely not something I make on a regular basis--or a yearly basis, for that matter. But I was intrigued, mainly because these weren't your typical thick and cake-y snickerdoodles. In fact, they taste just like some store-bought cookie I've had but can't put my finger on. I want to say it reminds me of Skinny Cow Snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches but I can't say for sure.

So, yeah, these cookies are delicious. And sweet. And rich. Definitely a one-cookie-at-a-sitting kind of treat. And now this cinnamon-lover actually needs a break from cinnamon.


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