review: *new* Nature Valley -- Chocolate Oat Bites

I wasn't going to try these--you know chocolate cereal isn't my favorite thing--but my brother was home two weeks ago to help eat this/be a new cereal guinea pig. His verdict: "Interesting." I guess that's a good reaction because he ate it several days in a row. The thing about chocolate cereals is you can't eat a whole a bunch at one sitting--so it's going to take a while to finish.

So you may remember my review for the original Baked Oat Bites: to put it simply, this is the chocolate version. The cereal itself looks like it was mixed with cocoa powder to achieve its dark brown color; it also has a chocolate(-y?) drizzle. So it has a very strong chocolate flavor and would be a good candidate for chocolate-ing up your milk, if that's important to you.

If I had to rank this year's chocolate cereals, though, Dark Cocoa Karma would come out on top.

So I am almost done with the new summer cereals; I have just the two flavors of Tiny Toast left. Good thing, too, because the fall limited editions are already sneaking into stores. I'm not ready!


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