
I think I must be on a banana kick. My original intent was just to use up some peanut butter chips; I'm not sure how the banana snuck in there. So I got up early one day last week and made these Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies for my brother before he left. It was well past time for me to make a non-oatmeal cookie--in fact, maybe the first time this year. Maybe the only time this year. What can I say, I love oatmeal, with or without the cookies.

Anyway, if it sounds like that's a lot of flavors for one cookie, fret not, they're really good. The flavors complement each other, and if you bite one just right you get the peanut butter followed by the chocolate with banana bringing up the rear.

To continue the baking with bananas theme (I keep wanting to add an extra "na" on there) I also made this Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Banana Bread. Out of several options I think I ended up with this one because I could finish up some buttermilk. I had a perfectly overripe banana--I should have taken a picture--and a small zucchini which ended up being half the size I needed. The recipe didn't say to squeeze out the water but I always remove some of it so the batter doesn't end up runny. I was left with half a cup of shredded zucchini. No worries, though; it was evenly distributed in each slice and looked nice anyway. And of course you can taste the banana. With my first bite I thought, oh, no, is this rubbery? Then I remember, no, that's just banana consistency. And subsequent bites were moist, not chewy.

I think it's time for a break from bananas.

I probably won't be able to add another entry this week--a lot of traveling, not a lot of opportunity for new cereal. Next week, though. 😉


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