review: Nature's Path Flax Plus -- Red Berry Crunch

This is one of those cereals I picked up on a whim--I couldn't find what I looking for so I thought I'd try this in the meantime. I've reviewed Flax Plus cereals before so I knew what I was getting into with regards to the flakes but the berries were a new twist. Now I'm not the biggest fan of freeze-dried strawberries (this is why I still haven't had Special K Red Berries yet) but this has freeze-dried raspberries as well, which helped. Why? I'm not sure. I love how berries being sealed in a bag with flakes gives the flakes a hint of berries as well--it just adds another layer of deliciousness.

Also, you may be hesitant to spend good money on such a small box of cereal; I realize now that I can't eat but a small bowl of this anyway. It's ridiculously filling.

(Okay, now don't be surprised if you don't hear from me again until next week.)👋


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