review: *new* CinnaGraham Toast Crunch

 Is there a space between Cinna and Graham? Whatever. It's a mashup.😄

So here's my first new cereal of the year. There have been a lot of interesting takes on Toast Crunch lately, so of course I wanted to try this. Sniff test: there's that classic Cinnamon Toast Crunch scent. It's cinnamon plus something else, probably sugar. Visual: it's awfully orange-y. Is that on purpose? Did they over-toast this batch? It's also ridged like Golden Grahams. Taste: yep, I'm getting mostly Cinnamon Toast Crunch. You know that's a strong flavor. There's a bit of "graham" on the back end.

What I wanted here was just a Cinnadust-ed Golden Grahams, so that was a letdown on my part. Credit to General Mills for actually not taking the easy route. I just missed that classic toasty-honey Golden Grahams flavor. So, not bad overall, but I'd rank Dulce de Leche Toast Crunch and Apple Pie Toast Crunch higher.


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