banana bread 3

I thought for sure I'd shared this one already but I looked it up and there were two other banana breads, but not this one. That's what happens when you have so many banana bread recipes (I have a lot of banana bread recipes). This one is the best banana bread and I don't even add the Streusel-Nut Topping. I think it's the addition of ginger which gives a zing I don't get from any of the other ones.

Huh. Wait. This one doesn't list the ginger. Let me look again. Okay, it's supposed be 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. nutmeg, and 1/8 tsp. ginger. I wonder why the discrepancy. I might still be wrong on the cinnamon. I'll have to go look it up in my recipe stash and amend this later.

But anyway, it's the spice combination that makes this banana bread spectacular. And it almost came out of the pan in one piece this time. Almost. Close enough.


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