no baking, no problem

Well, maybe a little problem when you don't read the recipe thoroughly. I remind myself of this all the time and still things come up. I swear I read this recipe four or five times before I got started. Oh, I should probably link to it now: No-Bake Summer Lasagna. I guess you could also call it a deconstructed lasagna. There's not that much work involved, except to get everything set up for the lasagna assembly line. And cutting up the vegetables, which I failed to notice with regard to the grape tomatoes. I had to take the pan off the stove and get to halving, while avoiding splattering tomato juices.

But it's a good idea, anyway, to layer noodles, cheeses, zucchini, and tomatoes. The two things I suggest are to spread the cheese on the noodles so you don't get too many dry bites and, most important, make sure you season well. The success of this dish really comes down to seasoning. I thought the zucchini and basil was the best part.


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