review: *limited edition* Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory -- chocolatey almond

From the makers of Corn Flakes, Cocoa Krispies, and Chocolatey Delight Special K comes...a way for Kellogg's to use technology/products it already has. I don't know why I was expecting new and innovative but the finished product really isn't that bad. It has a nice chocolatey aroma. There's plain corn flakes and chocolate-coated ones, which I honestly didn't notice on the box. There's almond slices. And there's the little chocolatey-pieces from the aforementioned Special K. If you're a chocolate-lover but want to try a more grown-up cereal, you'll probably like this one. I'm not, so I took out the little pieces but left the flakes. It's actually a nice mixture.

I wonder, though, based on the name, if there isn't going to be another variety introduced down the road. If you check out the website of the actual Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, there's other flavors Kellogg's could draw from, like, say, pecan and caramel. Hint.

(Oh, I forgot to mention I bought this at Target. I don't know if it's available anywhere else.)


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