review: *new* Raisin Bran Omega-3 from Flaxseed

Really, what is with these product names lately? They're getting so detailed you might as well put the Nutrition Facts on the front of the box. But on to the cereal. It wasn't quite what I was expecting. The flakes have a sweet crunchy coating like Raisin Bran Crunch, the better to adhere the flaxseeds. I guess the alternative would be a bunch of flaxseeds in the bottom of the box; I can see why that would be unappealing. I counted about three per flake; I guess they really want you to notice them. My one complaint is mostly my fault--due to not shaking up the box first I ended up with a bowl of Two-Raisin Bran. Oh, and there's a little bit of a flax-y aftertaste, which doesn't bother me but if this your introduction to flaxseed I just wanted to give you a heads up.

I think next time around I'll just try sprinkling flaxseed on my regular raisin bran and see what happens.


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