baking up for lost time

Or, how to finish a bag of whole wheat pastry flour in a week. Ok, maybe I went overboard just a little. To be fair, some of it is now frozen to take to my brother in the near future. But here's where I started: Apple Oatmeal Spice Cookies. I had some dried apples and I couldn't remember how long they'd been in the pantry so I thought I'd throw them in an oatmeal cookie. Somehow I failed to notice that even though "apple" is in the name of this recipe, there's no dried apples in the ingredient list. But I added them anyway. Along with applesauce I now had double-apple oatmeal spice cookies.

And for a cookie made with applesauce they still have a nice, hearty texture. Sometimes applesauce cookies get gummy, which is very unappealing.

Recipe two: Healthy Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies. Okay, these were just for me. Nobody else liked the banana bread variety I made a while back (probably because it didn't fit their preconceived notion of a "cookie") but these? Even better than banana bread. There's something I never thought I'd say. They're like little spice bombs--in a good way. I wanted to make these last month when I was on a carrot cake kick but somehow it didn't happen.

Next: Getting the oven out of my system.


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