occasional granola review: *new*-(ish) Nature Valley Peanut Butter Granola (plus bonus review!)

So how is this different from their Protein Granola? I'm still not sure. I guess extra protein is no longer a selling point. In case you were wondering, there's only a four-gram difference in these products. More important to me: how does it taste?

My first thought: I'm eating sweet little nuggets of peanut butter. It has a very strong peanut butter flavor (and scent, apparently, according to others in the kitchen; my nose can't be trusted during this pollen season). And it's crunchy, like the texture of a candy bar filling. The rice flour probably helped with that. At first I thought I was eating crushed peanuts and had to double-check the ingredients. As a comparison, here's my review of the peanut butter Protein Granola.

Bonus mini-review: Donut Shop -- Pink Donut

Ok, first, why? Second, what is "pink" supposed to taste like? Perhaps you can tell by my asking these questions that I had no intention of purchasing this cereal. But if it's already in the cereal drawer, I should review it, right?

I just had a small sample. A nice-sized round O that you could confidently say resembles a donut. The taste, though...is that a hint of strawberry? It was really hard to pick up on that for sure. The ingredients list just says "natural and artificial flavors." So I have no idea what I'm eating...great. 😜 Honestly, I'd rather have a cake donut with pink icing.


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