mug baking?

Hi, it's a been while. Usually while I wait for the next wave of new cereals (Raisin Bran with bananas? Vanilla Latte Mini-Wheats? I'm in) I fill the rest of the entries with what I've been baking lately. Buuut I've been oven-less for almost two weeks now. Hopefully it'll finally be fixed tomorrow. It's been one of those situations where you don't realize what you had until it's been taken away. You know baking is a stress reliever for me. That and giving the finished product away. My brother just visited and I couldn't make anything for the occasion 😞. I also had to postpone my mother's Mother's Day pie/gift.

I did take the opportunity to experiment, though. Perhaps you guessed that from the entry title. I know microwave mug baking has been around for a while but I never tried it because it's not really baking baking. And I knew you could make mug cakes. But what about Mug Coffee Cake? Was that a thing? Yes, yes it was.

But how? you may ask, as I did. And will it have the consistency of cake? I chose this One-Minute Coffee Cake in a Mug because it was made with Bisquick, so I wouldn't feel as bad as I would have if I made it truly from scratch and screwed it up. But as I usually find, if you follow the directions you should get the right results. If you've ever made a coffee cake with Bisquick--here's the basic one--then you'll understand what I mean when I say it basically tastes the same. Of course it doesn't brown like a cake but for a one-minute bake time I'll take what I can get.

Hopefully I can get some oatmeal cookies in a few days.


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