that pie, dough

So last weekend I was finally able to make my belated Mother's Day pie/gift: Apple-Peach Pie. Why apple peach? Two reasons: (1) I already knew my mother loved apple and peach pies, and (2) I could've sworn I already had an apple-peach pie recipe in my collection. But if I do, I couldn't find it, so Google had to help me out here. I chose this particular recipe because I wanted to take a whack at making the pie crust. I figure I can attempt it once a year.

And I'll be honest, it just didn't want to hold together. It rolled out very smoothly and easily; I had allotted plenty of time for that--my least favorite--part. But it wouldn't make the transition to pie plate, so I ended up with an unintentional crumble pie. Not that that affected the taste outcome. 😜 Apples and peaches play surprisingly well together--even if you try a different recipe, this is a great dessert for this time of year. 😋

I know you're wondering where my next review is; well, I'm being stubborn. I really want to review something new on the market as opposed to just new to me. And if I have to go to another state to find it...conveniently, that'll be happening soon.


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