review: Fiber Plus -- Caramel Pecan Crunch

This is the most recent flavor in the Fiber Plus cereal line. I've realized that "crunch" is Kellogg's shorthand for "contains oat clusters." But it works on two levels for me because this is another one of those cereals with crunchy flakes that hold up for a long time. Seriously, I was still picking out a few non-soggy flakes at the end.

I'm sure I've mentioned before that I don't like nuts in my cereal but there's so little pecan in the clusters that it's not really an issue. My focus returns to the flakes. The caramel flavor is strong in this box. It almost reminds me of...Cracker Jack, maybe? It would be too much for me without the addition of the oat/pecan clusters. Also, the box boasts of tasting better than Fiber One Honey Clusters, but I beg to differ. It tastes stronger, yes. But it tastes different because they're entirely different flavors. The Fiber One in question has a mild honey flavor. You can't really compare the two. I get something different out of both and I like both equally.

Well, that's the last new cereal for a week or so. I'll have to come up with more breakfast-related topics next week. Don't worry, I've started a list.


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