Review: instant Cream of Wheat -- maple and brown sugar

We're having a dip in this weather this mid-week, so I was able to dip back into the Cream of Wheat variety pack this morning. Why did I choose Maple and Brown Sugar? I'm not sure. Maybe because after eating the Cinnabon flavor all winter, I wasn't in the mood for Cinnamon and Spice. Anyway, this one had a noticeable brown sugar flavor, with a little bit of maple on the back end. Mild, but good.

I had some strawberries left over from the Easter cake so I threw a couple slices of those in too. Surprisingly good. I've never put fruit in my Cream of Wheat before and I didn't like the mixed textures of blueberries in my oatmeal (raisins, though? A must) so I was hesitant but it worked out this time. You know what else might be good? Mango chunks.

Oh, and I found the new strawberry-banana bread. Can't wait to try that.


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