review: Grape Nuts Fit

I'm sure I've mentioned this before but I'll admit it again: I've never had Grape Nuts. Ever in my life. Never. I'm still not entirely sure what they are--some kind of nugget-y thing. I know there's no grapes or nuts involved. So I thought I'd try Grape Nuts Fit because there's a little more to it. Then my mind was made up for sure two weeks ago for two reasons: there was a coupon attached, and the flavor was Cranberry Vanilla. I didn't realize it had a flavor. The cereal consists of the original Grape Nuts, granola, puffed barley (which reminds me of Golden Crisp), and nicely-sized dried cranberries.

I didn't really pick up on a vanilla flavor but that might've been overpowered by the other cereal I mixed with this. I can't see myself eating a bowl of this straight, so I'll continue mixing.


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