another pumpkin breakfast

Continuing Pumpkin Week 2...I still had canned pumpkin left but I didn't really want to do any more baking with it. I have a few pumpkin oatmeal recipes but then I thought, well, let me see if the Internet has any pumpkin Cream of Wheat recipes. Lo and behold: Pumpkin Pie Cream of Wheat. Yes, and definitely. This was another surprisingly filling breakfast, although my nearly full bowl should have tipped me off. It's also really easy--if you find making Cream of Wheat easy--to just add the canned pumpkin while you're already stirring. Just keep stirring 'til it blends. It will. Then you add in your spices. I waited until after pouring in my bowl to add maple syrup to taste. We'll call it two drizzles. And it tasted just like pumpkin pie but with a little more texture.

I'll have to remember this one the next time I have a small amount of leftover canned pumpkin. Oh, but this week isn't done yet! I had enough pumpkin left for one more recipe. Maybe I'll get to that entry this weekend.


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