pumpkin week...again??

I wasn't trying to do it. I thought I'd left pumpkin behind in October. But then I decided to try to find a pumpkin scone recipe, and one thing led to another, and you can't waste perfectly good canned pumpkin, so here we are. Pumpkin Week 2: Return of the Pumpkin. Starting with the aforementioned scones: Harvest Pumpkin Scones. You know, King Arthur Flour has some pretty good recipes. That may be obvious to you, but that's not where I think to look first for recipes. What can I say, I grew up on Gold Medal.

But anyway, these scones. They were a little bit drier than I'm used to, almost like a traditional scone. But I guess you wouldn't want to go too far in the other direction considering how moist your baked goods can get when you add pumpkin. Speaking of adding things, I threw in some Craisins that I needed to finish off (I'll get a new bag for Thanksgiving). It was only about half a cup and I really wished I could've filled up that cup with some crystallized ginger but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have gone over well. It seems I'm the family spice fiend.

One more thing: these little scones are deceptively filling. I wanted to eat one and a half but then I told myself, self, don't stuff yourself, leave room for...the next entry.


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