it can be done!

Continuing Pumpkin Week #2...a few weeks back I wondered if it would be possible to put pumpkin in a biscotti. One might think, no, the canned pumpkin is too moist, you'll just end up with soggy, gummy sticks. Well, not only is Pumpkin Biscotti a thing, these particular biscotti are so light and crisp you'll be amazed (and be tempted to grab an extra one).

The secret, I think, is in the oven-drying. This is a technique I've read about but never tried before. Basically you just turn the oven off, crack the door, and let the biscotti cool completely. I didn't even know my oven door could stay cracked. But these biscotti--there's actually too words coming to the front of my brain right now. They're a beautiful golden orange color. You can almost eat them without a hot beverage (but why would you?). And for only having half a cup of canned pumpkin they are soooo pumpkin-y. I was more than pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure I really need another pumpkin biscotti recipe; that's how good these are.

I like to keep an open mind, though. Next time we go back to breakfast...


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