review: *limited edition* Life -- pumpkin spice

What? Three entries in a row? I guess I'm making up for last month. I might even make it four tomorrow. Or not.

So I bought this cereal back in September (just to make sure I got one) and I'm just now getting around to opening it. It's another multigrain Life--as opposed to just oats--but really, it's not much of a difference. The color is a very light orange, as opposed to something weird or neon. I'm still trying to figure which other pumpkin spice product to compare this to. It's very subtle, and I think the Life itself tricks your taste buds into thinking there's nutmeg involved. In fact, there's no spices in the ingredient list, only "natural flavor." Natural what flavor? Pumpkin? Spices? So the misleading product name was disappointing but the cereal's actually not half bad. After this, though, I need to take a break from Life. Also pumpkin products.


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