pumpkin wrap-up

Even though things are crazy again (on top of regular Thanksgiving craziness) I still need to wrap up Pumpkin Week #2 first. Two requirements: I wanted a pumpkin yogurt recipe, and I wanted it to not use too much pumpkin. And not be a parfait. Okay, that's three things. But I only had a little bit of canned pumpkin left, so I went with this recipe: Protein Packed Pumpkin Pie Yogurt. Alliteration never hurts, either.

I went ahead and made granola last week--anticipating this week's busyness (and I was right)--and used it to top my yogurt. Otherwise I would've used pepitas and store-bought granola. Oh, and I used plain Greek yogurt which wasn't my original plan but turned out to be a good call. I can't imagine how thinned out regular yogurt would've been.

I guess what I learned this week is that you can make just about anything taste like pumpkin pie. Including pie. And after I make one for Thanksgiving I am done with pumpkin things in 2016. Come the new year, who knows?


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