bring your best opinion

Remember back at the beginning of year when Quaker had their Bring Your Best Bowl contest? Well, it's time to vote for the three finalists: Apple Cheddar Rosemary, Lemon Ricotta Pancake, or Vanilla Chai. While I was a little disappointed that my Tropical Sweet Potato idea didn't make the cut, I didn't really have a compelling story to boost my entry anyway. "Because I thought they'd taste good together" was not going to help much.

But anyway, today I tried the Vanilla Chai. Confession: as soon as I got the notification from Quaker in my inbox I went straight to the site and voted for this flavor. Then I went out and bought the oatmeal. And it was certainly worth my vote. These flavors can't be found in their current lineup, and I love the chai spices this time of year.

I still felt like something was missing, though. What could complement vanilla? I thought about it: strawberries. Next time (unless someone gets to it before I do) I'll add my own strawberries.

I'll be trying the other flavors later. In the meantime, don't forget to vote for your favorite. Voting ends on the 19th. It's an election you can feel good about.


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