not cool, Post

You know, I was really looking forward to some Just Bunches. I use it like a granola with my yogurt, and I hadn't had any in a while. I thought they'd stopped making it until I spotted it at Wal-Mart last month. Last week I got around to opening it. Nothing strange there. But the other day I found a dead bug in one of the bunches. No big deal, I thought, it happens. It was one of those tiny brown crawling things--they almost look like food if you aren't looking closely.

Well, today I found another one. This time, though, I swore it was moving. So I picked the bunch out of my yogurt and dropped it on the table. The little bug dislodged itself and started wriggling. Oh, heck no, I thought (well, actually I had several thoughts with much stronger language but I'm assuming this is a family blog), threw the offending bunch and bug away, and closed up that box. Like the title says, not cool. For all I know there could be a whole bug colony in the bottom of the bag (I don't want to know).

Luckily I had a backup--I always have a backup--in Archer Farms' new Raspberry Creme Brulee granola.Thumbs-up for being there and being really good. The freeze-dried raspberries were surprisingly tart, but in a good way, and I guess the granola part tastes like creme brulee. I've never tried that and I don't think I can now.

While I'm plugging non-cereal products, I wanted to mention my new favorite snack bar, Quaker's Stila bars. They don't seem to be flying off the shelves where I live, which is too bad, because they are fantastic. It's like Quaker took the best qualities of Nutri-Grain bars and Special K Fruit Crisps (now called Pastry Crisps because there's new non-fruit flavors) and made something even better. I can at least vouch for the strawberry and blueberry flavors. Apple cinnamon will be next.


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