odds and ends

Yes, I'm a day late. I had to take a sick day--did not feel like thinking about food at all, let alone writing about it. But a bunch of little notes started piling up, so:

1. Waah! My cereal hookup is going out of business next month. Sure, there's other branches but this one was so convenient. You'd better believe that if they have some kind of massive sale to get rid of the merchandise I will be stocking up!

2. I noticed a new ad for Fiber One 80 calorie Honey Squares the other day. The box says "now more honey and better taste." Can it top my previous "meh" review? We'll see about that.

3. Oh, another fruit butter to add to the list: McCutcheon's Pumpkin Butter. This was a gift from my grandma. I usually get Dickinson's pumpkin butter every fall so it was good to have something to compare it to. This McCutcheon's version is definitely less sweet and seems to lean a little more on the cinnamon and nutmeg. I still like it though. This might be the one for you if you really want the pumpkin itself to shine through.

I had a recipe to share but I think I'll hold off until tomorrow. I won't be opening another cereal 'til Saturday.


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