another one bites the toast

I'm a little pressed for time today but I wanted to mention a new raisin bread I've been eating this week. Maybe it's not technically new but it's new to me: Nature's Own Cinnamon Raisin Swirl. It boasts of having no preservatives and no high fructose corn syrup and I think I can actually taste the difference in the bread itself. That slightly "off" taste is missing.

What I really like about this bread are two things: (1) the size, which is between Pepperidge Farm's thin slices and every one else's "average" slices, and (2) the strong cinnamon scent. They must use good quality cinnamon because when I stick my nose in the vicinity of the toaster the aroma just hits me in the face. You don't even need to breathe deep. This one's definitely staying on the list.


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