review: Better Oats mmm...muffins -- blueberry muffin

I was determined to try somebody else's oatmeal before the winter was out, and who could resist blueberry muffins?

I'll start with this: mine did not turn out like the picture on the box. I had hot chewy oats and runny water. I'm used to thick, creamy instant oatmeal. Now there's several reasons this may have happened. Perhaps it's optimal to be made with milk. That's not going to happen, so, next. Perhaps it's best made in the microwave. I tried the stovetop option after realizing at the last minute that I couldn't make it with boiling water like the Quaker kind (always read your instructions!). I did exactly as it said but my oats just weren't thickening. So I dumped it in my bowl and tried microwaving. That didn't help, plus I burned my tongue. Did I mention this was Monday morning? I must've been operating on an Oscar hangover.

So I will try this on the stove again, this time adding the oats before bringing the water to a boil like my parents taught me. Seriously, they practically jumped down my throat the very first time I made oatmeal: "No, no, no! Put the oats in first!" I'm going to figure this one out because I liked the flavor and the reconstituted blueberries (unlike the time I put fresh blueberries in my oatmeal--I could not deal with the texture) and I appreciate the addition of flaxseed.

I guess this means my final judgement is to be determined.


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