going down the checklist...

First, a catch-up entry from 17Feb'12:

I wasn't supposed to write an entry today since it was a repeat cereal day, but I wanted to mention Ozarkland Hot Cinnamon Apple Syrup (I couldn't find a link anywhere; you can't buy it on their website). I was worried it would be too spicy--and the cinnamon part does indeed taste like Red Hots--but the sweetness of the apple balances it out nicely. Can't wait to try this on french toast.

**Update: I've tried it on everything since then--pancakes, regular waffles, blueberry waffles. French toast, though, was the ideal combination. There was something about the sweet-hot syrup and the crispy edges of sugary batter that worked out perfectly.

Second bit of business: Guess what, I did it again. I picked up another box of Archer Farms cereal thinking it was granola. This time, Pumpkin Spice. So I mixed it with some Cascadian Farm oats & honey granola--which is great for mixing since the flavor isn't overpowering. I still wanted the Pumpkin Spice flavor, you know? Also, it has raisins. That's cool.

And lastly: You may have noticed my off-days of posts. It's more than likely going to be that way all month. It's just going to be a crazy month. I'll have to post when I can.


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